Consider this your permission slip to ignore all the advice not built for your reality. It’s time to start making your business fit your life.

If you’re like many moms who are trying to kick ass as entrepreneurs, you are being constantly pulled in different directions. This makes it hard to move your business in the one direction you want to go: FORWARD.
I'm Michelle A. Mercier, a business growth consultant for mom entrepreneurs, and I can help you escape the perpetual overwhelm to grow your business with confidence, clarity, and calm.
Looking for a business growth strategy that’s approachable, efficient, and heart-forward?

“If you are looking for a safe place and someone who thinks big picture to help you solve a problem than Michelle is who you need. Her background and expertise in work-life integration and how to help you be the mom and entrepreneur you wish to be is unmatched in this consulting industry. If you have the ability to work with her do not hesitate!”
Tranquil Little One